Monday, February 10, 2014

What Do You Think About?

What do you think about in the random moments between a good belly laugh watching Saturday Night Live and worrying about bills? Between the rupture in therapy and learning you just got a bonus at work? What fills those in-between moments?

I think about the birds. Where do they go at night? How can they fly so fast through the forest without running into trees? And the deer – how do they tolerate sub-zero weather? I am always feeling so cold for them.

Who does the Humane Society think they are soliciting when Sarah McLachlan sings the song “Angel” and a forlorn dog stares at the camera? Folks like me can’t watch those commercials, yet we’re the targeted audience.

Why do cars move forward when the light is red and stop when it’s green? Do people who sing karaoke really think they sound good?

I wonder what it would be like to work in a footie factory. The throw-away footies that don’t really fit like a sock but are available when you want to try on a shoe. I imagine a lone person sitting on a stool beside a long stretch of nylon stocking. The worker has a huge pair of scissors and snips a swatch, then ties one end closed with a string. Snips and ties, snips and ties. All day long.

I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult.  - Rita Rudner

Who let the dogs out?

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