Friday, February 14, 2014

The Romantic in Me

Happy Valentine’s Day to all you sweethearts out there!

How does an old married couple (34 years in July) celebrate Valentine’s Day?

Her: It’s Valentine’s Day.
Me: Yeah.
Her: Do you want to do anything?
Me: Hmm. I don’t know. Do you?
Her: I don’t care.
Me: I suppose we could go out.
Her: It’ll probably be packed where ever we’d go.
Me: Yeah. That’s no fun.
Her: I suppose we could stay home.
Me: Yeah.
Her: We could go downstairs and watch the jumbo-tron.
Me: OK.
Her: What’s for dinner?
Me: Left-overs.

Yep. That’s what we’ll do. Actually, I did send a card to her work earlier this week. And it was in a red envelope. Except it was the Christmas card I’d meant to give her but couldn’t find when I needed it. She said it made her day, and that’s what counts, right?

But that’s not all I’ve done. I put a kid’s Winnie the Pooh valentine in her lunch box.  AND, on the outside of the PB&J's waxed paper bag (where I usually note the number of calories she will have eaten by lunch-time), I drew a heart using a red marker and wrote the calories inside the heart.

I know. I’m such a romantic.

Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.  - Robert Browning
Hugs and kisses

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