Friday, February 7, 2014

Cold Car Problems

Remember the big red triangle with the exclamation point inside? (MPs Feb 2) It meant something.

I got a call last night, just before dark, and so far, the coldest day of the year. Her car wouldn’t start. Call security, call the insurance company, talk to the tow company. Wait, wait. Cold, cold. Two guys with briefcase jumpers are unsuccessful. Tow it? Where? $75. 

Ask the tow truck operator to try a real jump and charge the battery a bit before hooking up the tow, I suggest. Uggh. I hear cold hands and fingers in her voice. I hear her missing yoga, her sanity. Missing protein and carbs after a long day of dieting and no dinner. Just ask him, I urge. What can it hurt? Maybe he’ll get it started and you can drive it to the dealer and we’ll leave the car and I’ll pick you up and I’ll wait on the car in the morning and you can drive my mine to work. Uggh.

Will it be the $5 nickel-sized battery in the key fob? (how embarrassing) The $300 12-volt battery? (no, it’s not one I can get at AutoZone) The $2,000 hybrid battery? (OMG) Or something totally unexpected?

Whew! It’s the 12-volt. No need to be embarrassed; no need to raid savings. It’s the first battery replacement and I can’t complain since it’s an ’07 with 182,000 miles. Knock on wood, we’ve only ever had to do maintenance on this car. And at 50 mpg, it’s almost like getting paid to drive the thing.

Still. The warning signals were there. I shudda paid attention.

The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.  - John F. Kennedy

What signals are you getting?

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